
Welcome to Mobility Masters Physiotherapy Clinic

At Mobility Masters, we are dedicated to providing top-notch physiotherapy services in Viman Nagar, Pune. Led by Dr. Sandeep Sharma, our clinic offers specialized care for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions and sports injuries. With our holistic approach to wellness and advanced treatment techniques, we aim to help our patients achieve optimal health and mobility.

Watch - Dr. Sandeep Sharma


Welcome to Mobility Masters Physiotherapy Clinic

At Mobility Masters, we are dedicated to providing top-notch physiotherapy services in Viman Nagar, Pune. Led by Dr. Sandeep Sharma, our clinic offers specialized care for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions and sports injuries. With our holistic approach to wellness and advanced treatment techniques, we aim to help our patients achieve optimal health and mobility.


Our Process Features

Initial Consultation

Your journey with us begins with a detailed assessment of your condition. We listen to your concerns, evaluate your symptoms, and discuss your treatment goals to develop a personalized plan tailored to your needs.

Tailored Treatment Plan

Based on the assessment, we design a customized treatment plan utilizing advanced modalities like shock wave therapy, laser therapy, and matrix therapy. Each plan is unique, focusing on addressing your specific condition and optimizing your recovery.

Hands-On Therapy

Our skilled therapists provide hands-on techniques such as manual therapy and manipulation to alleviate pain, restore mobility, and improve function. These techniques are integral to our holistic approach to rehabilitation.

Progress Monitoring and Adjustments

Throughout your treatment, we monitor your progress closely and make necessary adjustments to your plan to ensure you’re on track to achieving your goals. Your feedback is invaluable in guiding our approach, ensuring the best possible outcomes.


Physiotherapy Services

Tecar Therapy

Decompression Therapy for the spine is a non-invasive treatment method designed to relieve pressure on spinal discs and alleviate back pain. 

Shock Wave Therapy

Shock Wave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment modality that utilizes acoustic waves to stimulate tissue regeneration, reduce pain, and enhance healing.

Decompression Therapy for Spine

During Decompression Therapy sessions at Mobility Masters, patients are comfortably positioned on a traction table or device.

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic Treatment involves manual adjustments and manipulations of the spine and joints to restore proper alignment, alleviate pain, and improve function.


Osteopathy is a holistic healthcare approach focused on restoring balance and harmony within the body.

Sports Injury Management

Sports Injury Management is a specialized area of physiotherapy focused on assessing, treating, and preventing sports-related injuries.




Dr. Sandeep Sharma


Take the first step towards pain-free living today

Schedule your appointment with Mobility Masters


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At Mobility Masters, we specialize in treating a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, including back pain, neck pain, sports injuries, joint pain, arthritis, post-surgical rehabilitation, and more. Our experienced physiotherapists tailor treatment plans to address each patient's specific needs and goals.

The number of physiotherapy sessions required varies depending on the severity of your condition, your individual response to treatment, and your treatment goals. During your initial assessment, our physiotherapists will evaluate your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan that outlines the recommended frequency and duration of sessions.

At Mobility Masters, we are committed to providing high-quality physiotherapy services in a compassionate and supportive environment. Our experienced team of physiotherapists utilizes advanced treatment techniques and personalized care to help our patients achieve optimal health and mobility. With convenient scheduling options, a range of treatment modalities, and a dedication to patient-centered care, Mobility Masters is your trusted partner on the journey to recovery.

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